Online Concerts
Our Get A Word in Edgeways Concerts are celebrations of words and wordsmiths and are usually held on the 2nd Thursday of the month.
Concerts are aimed at adults and each month we usually have 4 artists: poets; storytellers; authors; spoken word artists and more. We also make a regular visit to “Cath’s Cupboard of Customs” to discover a wealth of related folklore.
Each concert ends with a collaboration. We introduce two of our guests and ask them to have a creative conversation – to put their art forms together, share the zoom space and see what happens! Favourite collaborations have included a poet with a VJ, a storyteller with an illustrator, a poet with a potter and a storyteller with a dancer.
What you’ve said
“Wonderful Evening! Story, Poetry, Song, Music, Art! Wow!!”
“Beautifully spellbinding, authentic, powerful and wise.”
“Such a chaotic, stressful day. I now feel grounded and filled with joy”
“Love this model of stories and poetry and illustrations!”
The concerts are live online, and for this series we are going to offer a watch later option with the ticket, so concerts will be available to watch for a month afterwards as part of your ticket price.
We are aware that everyone is feeling the pinch and we try to keep our prices affordable however, if you enjoy our concerts, want to see them continue and can afford a little bit more (£10 donation), please feel free to support us by paying a bit extra.
All our concerts are presented using Zoom. To join us on the day, all you need to do is click on the link that will be sent to you after you’ve bought a ticket. The link to the watch later video on YouTube will be sent to you within 3 days of the concert.