Be part of our amazing festival! We need YOU! (Yes, YOU!)

We need stewards, photographer(s), a Social Media person, Storytellers, Poets and Spoken Word artists

Why not come down to the Fire Station in Much Wenlock on March 17th?   (Or join us virtually, details to be released later.)

Starting at 11am we’ll have a walk/location-placement around the town and return to the station for the meeting at midday followed by a social event (probably at the George & Dragon!) afterwards

We are looking for volunteer stewards, photographer(s), and a Social Media publicist.  

Please email to show interest (no commitment) or for more details

** Free w/e tickets for family, up to 14 hours work**    

Are you a storyteller, poet, spoken word artist? Interested in performing with us? Drop a line to our Festival Director,

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