Step-Up Commission Winner Announced!
GAWIE and House of the West Wind are pleased to announce the winner of this year’s Step-Up Commission!.
Our winner is [drum roll] Karin Lundengård.
Her Working Title is “If the water turns blue”
In her piece for the step up commission, Karin considers how oral tradition can be used to design a warning that will last for millennia.
Nuclear waste needs to be stored for thousands of years before it is safe to handle. During that time, civilisations come and go, carrying with them languages, alphabets, symbols and color codes into obscurity.
But what still remains over such time spans are stories. To see what our energy is worth, we look into ancient Egyptian graves, lost Scandinavian villages and forbidden islands in the Indian ocean. This show reaches thousands of years into the future and thousands of years into the past, and spans an urgent decision that determines the shape of our civilisation.

Karin is a Swedish storyteller and researcher with interests in traditional stories and information preservation. She works with research on reproducibility of computational biomedical models, but also has more hands-on interests in crafting, horse riding and archery. She tells a vide variety of stories, from personal memories, to old Viking myths and folklore, and weird tidbits from the deeper levels of Wikipedia.
We look forward to working with Karin on this amazing project!